The works made by Pisica Pătrată and Harcea Pacea at the Extended day kindergarten no. 25, Iasi, within the Romanian Street Art programme
The Romanian Street Art cultural programme travels to Iasi, where the Pisica Pătrată and Harcea Pacea painted two murals on the walls of the Extended day kindergarten no. 25, at 5 Argeș Street, Alexandru cel Bun district.
The work Future Generations is painted by Harcea Pacea, a street artist and artivist who lives and works in Iasi, and the work Joc is painted by Pisica Pătrată, a 2004 graduate of the National University of Arts “George Enescu” Iasi – Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Graphic Design section.
Explore the city of Iasi through art in public space or see below the image gallery of new works by Pisica Pătrată and Harcea Pacea within the Romanian Street Art programme.
“A ludic transformation of a personal imaginary adapted to the context in which the drawing is set.”
Pisica Pătrată, about the work Joc, 2024
“”The work illustrates the importance of equipping new generations with the skills and proactive attitudes necessary for the progress of society, where everyone must do their bit…”
Harcea Pacea, about the work Future Generations, 2024

About Pisica Pătrată
Pisica Pătrată (the Square Cat) is one of Romania’s most acclaimed illustrators, muralists and an author, enthusiast and researcher of Romanian comics. He has an intense activity, with many public appearances, book launches, comics, magazines, personal exhibitions, participation in festivals and a long series of murals. In the Un-hidden Street Art in Romania book and the map, you can find many works and artistic installations featuring Pisica Pătrată‘s characters, which reconfigure forgotten spaces in the urban environment, galleries or even museums.
In recent years, we have been happy to have several opportunities to collaborate with Pisica Pătrată by creating one of the most beloved murals in Bucharest and a street art installation on the façade of the Capitol Summer Theatre (2008, 2016, 2017). We exhibited some of his astonishing paintings in multiple collective exhibitions at Kube, Lente, Palatul Universul, Romanian Design Week and Imbold Gallery. In the living room and the urban garden of Lente, you can find the mural made in 2016, within the series Pictăm Pereți, and the wooden totem Un-hidden Bucharest (2017). Also, in collaboration with the Un-hidden Bucharest project, Pisica Pătrată installed 6 wooden panels on the façade of the Cina building, which hosts the M60 Space (2018); Pisica Pătrată and Primărie co-produced a memorable live stream, transmitted by the online magazine feeder.ro (2020); two panels painted at the Mihai Eminescu Branch of the Bucharest Metropolitan Library, as part of the Street Art Bucharest project (2021); a multidisciplinary intervention co-produced by Vlad Caia and Pisica Pătrată on bd. Expoziției, hosted by Romexpo, as part of the Un-hidden Romania programme.
Save or Cancel has exhibited some of his stunning paintings in group exhibitions at Kube, Lente, Palatul Universul, Romanian Design Week and Imbold Gallery. In the publications Un-hidden street art in Romania (2019), Street Art București (2021), Viața zidurilor în spațiul public (2022), Artă in lucru (2022), Un-hidden Romania (2023) as well as on the Un-hidden map, you can find some of the works and art installations with which the Pisica Pătrată reconfigures forgotten spaces in urban environments, galleries or museums.
About Harcea Pacea
Born at the end of 1989 in Iasi, Harcea Pacea is a street artist, architect and activist with a bold and innovative vision. Over the years, he has been expressing his creativity in the public space since 2007, when his first interventions took the form of classic graffiti. Since then, he has constantly evolved, adopting various techniques and media specific to street art, such as stencils, paste-ups or site-specific interventions, ingeniously using various materials, from spray paint to washable paint, chalk or marker.
Under the artistic pseudonym Harcea Pacea, whose origin can be found in the expression “harcea parcea”, the artist expresses his unique and complex vision of the world. This alias represents a subtle balance between anti-establishment and do-gooder attitude, offering a personal interpretation of Mikhail Bakunin’s quote “The urge for destruction is also a creative urge!“. Through his work, Harcea Pacea challenges his audience to consider the relationship between destruction and creation, between rebellion and positive change in society.
This is the second artistic intervention of the multi-year Romanian Street Art programme, after the multidisciplinary intervention by Delia Cîrstea and Kozo at Romexpo in Bucharest. Find out more about the multiannual programme here: https://un-hidden.ro/romanian-street-art/
Photography © Save or Cancel / Ciprian Minea

Romanian Street Art invites people passionate about photography and street art to participate in an exciting open call dedicated to immortalizing and promoting street art in Romania’s public space. For more information and to apply, please visit the application form available on the call page: https://un-hidden.ro/romanian-street-art-apel-deschis-fotografie Registration is open until 10 May 2024, 23:59.
Partners: Asociația Launloc, Lente, Romexpo
Media partners: Amsterdam Street Art, Igloo, IQads, I Support Street Art, La pas prin Brașov, Litera 9, Modernism.ro, Mnogo Deinosti, Munteanu, Revista Atelierul, Revista Golan, Street Art Belgrade, The Institute, Zeppelin
The cultural programme Romanian Street Art is produced by Save or Cancel (Cristina Popa, Andrei Racovițan) through feeder.ro and co-financed by AFCN.
The programme does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the application or the way the program results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of arts and culture, facilitating their role in contemporary society.
Self-initiated multidisciplinary programs by Save or Cancel support the development of contemporary society by identifying opportunities for sustainable and adaptable (re) valorisation of the existing, through cultural and editorial projects.